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API > Lists > Create list tag


Create list tag

api_key (string) Your API key.
tag (string) A unique name for the tag.
200 (success) returns

Details of the new tag:

tag (string) The name of the tag.
Non-200 (error) returns

Details of the error:

code (string) The error code.
message (string) A description of the error.
Method-specific error codes
EXCEEDS_LIST_TAG_LIMIT Creating this new tag would mean you exceed the maximum number of tags allowed per list.
API-wide error codes
INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters are missing or invalid.
API_KEY_INVALID Your API key is invalid.
UNAUTHORISED You're not authorised to perform that action.
NOT_FOUND The requested endpoint does not exist.
UNKNOWN An unknown error has occurred.
Example request
    "api_key": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "tag": "vip"

Example response
    "tag": "vip"

Code sample